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Individual Project for CS2103 Software Engineering. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Duke User Guide


Duke is a personal task manager that helps you track your todos, events, and deadlines. It is in the form of a chatbot and can be used on the command line as well as from a GUI.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest duke.jar here.
  3. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
  4. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
  5. Some example commands you can try:
    • list : lists all tasks
    • todo learn to use Duke : adds a todo
    • done 1 : mark the first task as done
    • bye : exits the app

Details of the commands are explained below.


Available in both CLI and GUI


GUI version


CLI version

While the GUI may be more intuitive to use, the CLI version provides a simpler and distraction-free environment for you to focus on managing your tasks.

The command syntax is the same in both GUI and CLI.

Duke launches in GUI by default, the CLI version can be launched with the following command

java -jar duke.jar cli

Responsive UI

Resize and position the window however you like, and Duke will still work as expected for you.

Easily migratable

All your tasks are stored in a plaintext file, in a human-readable format. Depending on your platform, the file can be found at one of the following locations:

where USERNAME refers to your OS username.
Migrating to a different machine and want to take all your tasks with you? Simple copy the file over and you’re set.

Intuitive find command

The find command finds any task that either fully or partially matches one or more keywords. Try find school work and you’ll get all the tasks that contains school, work, or both.

(For developers aka. myself) Easily extensible

The code is written in a modular manner and adding new functionalities is very easy. Example functions that I wanted but did not implement: fuzzy find, natural language data time format, JSON storage, etc.


Viewing help: help

Format: help

Adding a todo: todo

Adds a todo to Duke.
Format: todo DESCRIPTION
Example: todo Read book

Adding an event: event

Adds an event to Duke. An event is something that happens at the specific time.
Format: event DESCRIPTION /at dd/MM/yyyy HHmm
Example: event job interview /at 1/9/2018 1330

Adding a deadline: deadline

Adds a deadline to Duke. A deadline is a task that should be done by a certain time.
Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by dd/MM/yyyy HHmm
Example: deadline return book /by 18/2/2019 0900

Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all tasks(todos, events, deadlines) in Duke.
Format: list

Locating tasks by keywords: find

Finds tasks whose descriptions contain any of the given keywords.
Format: find KEYWORD...
Example: find school project

Marking a task as done: done

Marks the specified task as done.
Format: done TASK_NUMBER
Example: done 2

Deleting a task: delete

Deletes the specified task from Duke.
Format: delete TASK_NUMBER
Example: delete 2

Exiting Duke: bye

Exits Duke.
Format: bye

Command Summary